Mobile Vet
Dr Channy is a mobile vet who will come to your home to provide the highest standard in Fear Free mobile vet care.
Mobile vet service
We offer mobile vet services for
Behaviour Consultation & assessment, including:
Generalised anxiety
Situational anxiety
Separation distress
Periuria ("Inappropriate Elimination")
Inter-cat aggression
Inter-dog aggression
Problematic behaviours
Pets that are stressed in the traditional veterinary setting
Senior & Geriatric Pets
Pets that travel poorly
and many more circumstances
Through higher level training and qualifications, we offer expert Fear Free techniques and behaviour modification. We are the solution to your pet's stress & able to help formulate a behaviour plan for future veterinary care.

Wide range of Mobile Vet Services
Calm Pet Vet offers a range of mobile vet services, including:
Lump checks
Blood & urine tests
Dental checks
Mobility & senior health checks
Quality of life consults & home euthanasia
Behaviour consults and training programs
and much more!​
We also provide training & education for veterinary clinics wanting to upskill their teams in the latest in modern, Fear Free handling and behaviour.
Elite Fear Free Certified Mobile Vet Qualifications
Dr Channy is an Elite Fear Free Certified Veterinary Professional and educational Coach for Fear Free LLC.
They have also completed their Membership exams and awarded their MANZCVS (Behaviour) in 2023.
Dr Channy is also a member of the Pet Professional Guild of Australia
What does a Fear Free Mobile Vet cost?
As a Fear Free certified and mobile vet, it will cost a little more than your regular GP. We would love for you to get in touch so we can provide a personalised estimate of costs.
Fear Free Mobile Vet care is an investment into your pet's lifetime health. Getting to know your pet and their preferences, as well as navigating medication options, we intend for your Fear Free Mobile Vet services to evolve so your pet can return to their regular clinic.
The fees reflect a modest adjustment taking into account time, location and complexity of the consultation. Our mobile vet cost-per-minute pricing is on a par with most clinics!
Does a Fear Free Mobile Vet have better outcomes?
There are no guarantees, but we do know that being in the comfort of a familiar, safe space and having you, their secure base, present often helps alleviate the stress of veterinary care. There is no pre-visit stress from travel, unfamiliar pets in a waiting area, unpleasant sights, smells and sounds. Not every GP veterinarian is equipped to handle fearful animals, or has control over the chaos of a veterinary clinic.
As a qualified Fear Free mobile vet, this means that usually we are able to make more progress with veterinary care than in a clinical setting.
Occasionally we do need to shift our treatment intentions, and plan for a return visit.
What if my pet is sick & needs hospital?
After a visit from your Fear Free mobile vet, working on getting your pet back into the clinic is an important goal to address. In the short term, avoidance is recommended, but gradually our pets need to find ways of coping in a veterinary clinic as they are likely to need hospitalisation, dental treatments and / or surgery in their lifetime.
While there are no time pressures, when your pet is well, that is when we work on returning to the clinic.

What is a Fear Free Mobile Vet?
We operate as a mobile, Fear Free vet service. Often, the vet is to our pet what the dentist is to humans. That sense of dread which heightens our senses and challenges our flight or fight mechanisms. Imagine the opposite of that feeling and you have a sense of ‘Fear Free’.